Apr. 2011

Curriculum Vitae
Emi Kataoka
Professor of Sociology, Ph.D.

*Komazawa University, Professor
 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Letters
 1-23-1, Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8525 Japan
                                        email:   kataoka@komazawa-u.ac.jp

*Harvard University
  Department of Sociology, Visiting Scholar(2010.4-2012.3)
  580 William James Hall, 33 Kirkland Street
  Cambridge, MA 02138


4/2006- present Professor, Department of Sociology, Graduate School of Sociology, Komazawa University
4/1997-3/2006 Professor, Department of Sociology, Kanto Gakuin University
4/2003-3/2005 Chair, Department of Sociology, Kanto Gakuin University
4/1992-3/1997 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Kanto Gakuin University
4/1989-3/1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Kanto Gakuin University
4/1985-3/1989 Research Associate,* Sociology of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  * Full time faculty member, teaching courses jointly with other professors and supervising students.

Part-time as Lecturer or Adjunct Professor

10/2009-03/2010 Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo , (Cultural Reproduction)
04/2009-09/2009 Department of Sociology, Japan Women’s University, (Social Class, Culture and Gender)
2003-2008 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Open University of Japan
2005-2008 Graduate School of Letters, Chuo University, (Gender studies, Statistics)
2004 Graduate School of Sociology, Senshu University, (Sociology of Culture)
2002 Educational Sociology, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Cultural Reproduction and Education)
2001-2004 Yokohama City University, (Sociology of Education)
1995-2001 Social Survey & Statistics, Yokohama National University
1991 Open University of Japan (survey method)
1990 Sociology, Yokohama National University
1988-1989 Educational Sociology, Momoyama Gakuin University
1988 Educational Sociology, Tezukayama University

Social Inequality, Cultural Capital, Class Culture, Symbolic Boundaries, Social Closure,
Sociology of Education, Parental Strategies, O'Juken, Cultural Consumption, Gender,
Cultural Omnivorousness, Quantitative Methodology, Social Capital, Comparative Research

Books and Chapters (Original in Japanese)

2011 “Educational Attainment and Cultural Capital”(Kyouiku Tassei to Bunka Sihon no Keisei), Kyoko Inagaki ed. Introduction to Learn Education and Culture, Kyoto, Japan: Sekaishisoh-sha Inc.
2009=2001 “Family Strategy in Educational Attainment Process in Japan: Effects of Cultural Capital and Investment in Extra-School Education”(Kyoiku Tassei Katei ni okeru Kazoku no Kyoiku Senryaku; Bunka Shihon Kouka to Gakkougai Kyouiku Tohshi Kouka no Gender Sa wo Chusin ni), Ryoko Kimura ed., Readings: Gender and Education, Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Sentah Press.
2008 Sociological Analysis on Parental Strategies and the Education Market: Stratification, Publicness and Privatization, (Kodomo no Shituke, Kyouiku Senryaku no Shakaigakuteki Kenkyuu),Emi Kataoka ed., Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 1-190, Komazawa University. (With Ryoko Kodama, Miki Nakai, Mariko Ishiguro)
2007=1997 “The Role of the Family in the Reproduction of Cultural Capital”, Sawako Shirahase ed., Readings of Social Inequality in Japan 1986-2000 (Yureru Byoudou Shinwa), Tokyo, Nihon Tosho Sentah.
2006=1998 Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (Bunka to Shakai Kaisou), Emi Kataoka ed. (in K. Seiyama et.al. ed., Social Inequality and Social Mobility in Contemporary Japan: 1995 SSM Survey Report Series), Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Sentah Press.
2007=1990 “Educational Mobility of Three Generations in Japan”, in K. Seiyama et.al. ed., Social Inequality and Social Mobility in Japan: 1985 SSM Survey Report Series, Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Sentah Press.
2005 “The Myth of Cultural Equality in Contemporary Japan”(Bunkateki Byoudou Shinwa no S , Gendai Shakai no Kurosu-Road, Graduate School of Kanto Gakuin University ed., Tokyo, Japan: Harvest Press.
2003 “Cultural Reproduction and Gendered Structure of Japanese Culture: Class, Culture and Gender.”(‘Taishuh Bunka Shakai’ no Bunkateki Saiseisan; Kaisou Saiseisan, Bunkateki Saiseisan to Gender Kouzou no Linkage), In Takashi Miyajima and Yohjiro Ishii ed., Power of Culture: Bourdieu and Japan Sociology. Tokyo, Japan: Fujiwara Press.
2001 “Youth Life-styles and Consumption Culture in Japan”, in Survey Report of the Japanese Youth 2001, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.
2000 “Cultural Tastes and Symbolic Boundary in Japan.”(Bunkateki Kan’yosei to Shochoteki Kyokai; Gendai Nihon no Bunkateki Saiseisan to Kaisou Saiseisan), in Takatoshi Imada ed., Social Stratification in Post Modern Society(Shakai Kaisou no Post Modern), 181-220, Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
2000 Culture, Lifestyle and Social Stratification (Bunka to Shakai Kaisou), Emi Kataoka (ed.), Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1-156. Kanto Gakuin University.
1999 “Social Stratification”, In N. Kurita ed., Data book/Sociology, 108-116, Japan: Kawashima Press.
1998 Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (the 1995 SSM Research Series/Volume18),(Bunka to Shakai Kaisou), Emi Kataoka ed., 1-265, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University
1996 “Reproduction of Gendered Habitus and Gender Capital.” in K. Miyazaki/ H. Yonekawa(ed.), Shakai to Kyouiku he no Shiten(Perspectives to Society and Education),177-200, Kyoto: Minerva Press
1991 “Social Class and Culture.”(Shakai Kaisou to Bunka), in Yukio Shirakura ed., Modern Social System(Gendai no Shakai System), 253-279, Tokyo: Gakujutsu-Tosho Press
1990 “Educational Mobility of Three Generations in Japan.”( 3 Sedai Gakureki Idou no Koudou), in J. Kikuchi ed., Education and Social Mobility(Kyouiku to Shakai Idou), .57-86, Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press

Articles (Original in Japanese)
Peer Reviewed Articles:

2009 “Class Closeness and Parental School Choice: Sociological Analysis Concerning ‘O-Juken’ and Junior-high-school Examinations in Japan”( Kakusa Shakai to Sho-Chugaku Juken; Juken wo tuujita Shakaiteki Heisa , Risk Kaihi, Isitsu na Tasha he no Kan’yosei”, Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, 21(1): 30-44.
2008 Sociology of Cultural Consumption and Symbolic Capital: A Bourdieu’s Perspective on the Structure of Japanese Culture”(Geijutsu Bunka Shouhi to Shoucho Shihon no Shakaigaku; Bourdieu Riron kara mita Nihon Bunka no Kouzoh to Tokuchou), Cultural Economics, Vol.6, No.1, 13-25.
2002 “The Place of Culture in the Studies of Social Stratification and Social Mobility: Gendered Structure in Class Reproduction and Cultural Reproduction”, the Annual Review of Sociology, Japan, 15:30-43, Kantoh Sociological Society.
2001 “Family Strategy in Educational Attainment Process in Japan: Effects of Cultural Capital and Investment in Extra-School Education.” Japanese Journal of Educational Research, 68:1-15.
1997 “The Role of the Family in the Reproduction of Cultural Capital”, Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, Vol. 9, 23-38.
1997 “Academic Integrity and Joint Research”, Forum: Ethical Issues in Sociological Research, Sociological Theory and Methods 12(1) 85-95, the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology
1996 “Distinction and Social Class: Cultural Prestige and Classificatory Schemes as Class Habitus in Japan”. Sociological Theory and Methods, 11(1), 1-20, the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology.
1992 “Social and Cultural Reproduction Processes in Japan”, Sociological Theory and Methods,
Vol.7, No. 1, 33-55, Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, Japan.
1987 “A Review of the Sociological Studies of “Class and Education”” Journal of Educational Sociology, Vol.42, 106-134.
1984 “Part-time High school and the transformation of Japanese Society”, Journal of Educational Sociology, Vol.38, .158-171.

Other Articles:

2010 “Kodomo no Sports/ Geijutu Katudoh no Kitei Yohin; Oya kara Kodomo he no Bunka no Souzoku to Shakaika Kakusa”, Gakkougai Kyoiku Katsudou ni kansuru Chousa, Benesse Kyoiku Ke nkyu Kaihatsu Center
2006 “Why do Girls Like Playing Piano and Boys Like Playing Sports ?”, Transactions of the Institute of Humanities ,Vol.29,65-85, The Institute of Humanities, Kanto-Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan.
2004 “Introduction to Survey Sampling”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.103, 147-162, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan.
2000 “Cultural Omnivore in Japan: Broad Tastes in Cultural Activities.” in Emi, Kataoka ed., Culture, Lifestyle and Social Stratification, 9-16, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan.
1998 “Social Class Differences in Musical Tastes”, Transactions of the Institute of Humanities ,Vol.22,147-162, The Institute of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1998 “Consequences of Modernity and Cultural Reproduction Theory.” In Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (1995 SSM Research Series/Vol.18:1-13), Shirakura Laboratory, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University.
1998 “Cultural Boundary and Social Status in Japan: From Elite to Corporate Dominance.” In Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (1995 SSM Research Series/Vol.18:15-44), Shirakura Laboratory, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University.
1998 “Impact of Cultural Capital in Childhood on Status Attainment and Cultural Participation.” In Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (1995 SSM Research Series/Vol.18:45-66), Shirakura Laboratory, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University.
1998 “Social Stratification and Cultural Participation in Japan.” In Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (The 1995 SSM Research Series 18, 87-112)
1998 “Educational and Occupational Returns for Reading Culture and Formal Culture.” In Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (The 1995 SSM Research Series18, 171-191),
1998 “Perception of Cultural Activities and Cultural Prestige.” in Emi Kataoka ed., Social Stratification and Cultural Reproduction (The 1995 SSM Research Series 18,171-191)
1997 “The Reproduction of Cultural Capital in Japan: Family, Class and Cultural Participation”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, Vol. 81,187-237.
1996 “The Reconversion of Cultural Capital and Women's Status Production” Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.76, 103-128, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1993 “Postwar Changes in Society and High School Education for Working Youth: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Schools”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.68, 85-126, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1994 “Stigma and Night High Schools in Japan”, Transactions of the Institute of Humanities, No.17, 51-93, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1993 “Youth Consciousness and Social Behaviour”, Kanagawaken Seishounen Kihonchousa Houkokusho 1, 121-155, Kanagawaken Seishounen Sougou Kenshuu Sentah
1992 “Realities of Social Research and Public Data Use in American Sociology”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.65, 35-51, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1992 “Social Research and Public Data Use in American Sociology” in Junsuke Hara ed., Theory and Methods on Non-formal Data, Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 229-238.
1991 “Women's Cultural Reproduction and Social Stratification in Japan”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.62, 97-130, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1990 “The Impact of School Closures in Part-time Secondary Education”, Bulletin of Kanto Gakuin University, No.59, 63-93, Society of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University.
1988 “Educational Mobility of Three Generations in Post-war Japan”, in J. Kikuchi ed., 1985 Survey of Social Stratification and Social Mobility Report No.3,87-128.
1987 “Social Class Differences in Child Rearing in Japan”, Bulletin Vol.13, 25-51, Faculty of Humanities, Osaka University.
1984 “A Study of Senior High Scholl Deviant Behaviour”, Osaka Studies in Sociology of Education, 63-93, Department of Sociology of Education and of Educational Planning, Osaka University.
1983 “Status Achievement of Part-Time High School Students”, Osaka Studies in Sociology of Education, 127-179, Department of Sociology of Education and of Educational Planning, Osaka University.
1982 “Part-Time Schools in the Age of “Universalization” of Secondary Education”, Osaka Studies in Sociology of Education, Vol.3, 1-40, Department of Sociology of Education and of Educational Planning, Osaka University.

Book Reviews (in Japanese):

1997 Review on Shakaiteki na mono no tankyu: ( Theory and Method of French Sociology), by Mikio Kodama. Journal of Sociology, Vol.3, 229-232, Society of Sociology, Kanto Gakuin University.
1995 Review on Comparative Research on Status Image, by Mariko Yamamoto ed., Sociological Theory and Methods, 10(2),181-183, Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology.
1991 Review on Culture and Society: Distinction, Structure and Reproduction by Takashi Miyajima and Hidenori Fujita ed., Sociological Theory and Methods 6(2) ,136-139, Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology.

Invited Presentations (in Japanese)
2008 “Class Closeness and Parental School Choice: Social Closure, Risk and Tolerance to Others in Japan”, Social Inequality and Family, Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.
2005 “Values, Cultural Tastes and Morals: Symbolic Boundaries and Distinction in Unban City”, Special Session of Culture, Annual Meeting of Kantoh Sociological Society.
1998 “Status Achievement, Cultural Selection and Gender in Cotemporary Japan”, Special Session of Meritocracy in Post-war Japan, Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Educational Sociology.
1996 “Cultural Reproduction: Meaning of Women’s High Cultural Consumption”, Special Session of Social Stratification and Mobility, Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Professional Presentations (in Japanese)

2008 “Sociological Analysis on Class Strategies in Education: Trust, Publicness and Privatization”, Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Educational Sociology.(with Ryoko Kodama, Mariko Ishiguro)
2007 “Social Closure and Tolerance in Japanese ‘O-Juken’ Family”, Annual Meeting of Japan Sociological Association.
2007 “Symbolic Boundaries in Japan ”, Annual Meeting of Komazawa Sociological Society.
2006 “Why do Girls Like Playing Piano and Boys Like Playing Sports ?”, Annual Meeting of International Society for Gender Studies.
2001 “Reproduction of Cultural Capital and Gendered Culture”, Annual Meeting of Japan Sociological Association.
2001 “Gender, Culture and Social Reproduction”, Special Session of Culture, Annual Meeting of Kantoh Sociological Society.
1997 “Social Mobility and Cultural Capital in Japan: an Analysis of 1995 Survey of Social Stratification”, Annual Meeting of Japan Sociological Association
1997 “Social Boundary in Musical Tastes”, Annual Meeting of Kantoh Sociological Society.
1994 “Social Network and Stigma in Night High School Students in Japan”, Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Educational Sociology.


2005-2008 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Japan (No.17330183),
Chair of Research Project, Sociological Analysis on Parental Strategies and the Education Market: Stratification, Publicness, Privatization. (with Ryoko Kodama, Atsushi Kadowaki, Miki Nakai, Mutsuko Tendo, Mariko Ishiguro)
1997-1999 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Japan (No. 09410056)
Chair of Research Project, Sociology of Class Culture and Life-style.
(with Yuki Yosano, Yoshikazu Mochida, Takeyoshi Iwamoto, Miki Nakai, Akiko Iwama, Akiyoshi Yonezawa)
1994-1997 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan (No.06101001)
Chair of Culture section, The 1995 Social Survey on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Japan.
1992 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan. (No.04710105)
Sociological Analysis on Cultural Prestige and Cultural Activities
1992 Grant of the Japan Securities Scholarship Foundation (Nihon Shohken Zaidan)
1990 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan. (No. 02244121) (with Tetsuhiko Orihashi et.al)
1989 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan. (No. 01510152) (with Makoto Aso, Hiroshi Ikeda et.al.)
1985-1987 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan (No.323000014689) (with Makoto Aso, Hideki Yonekawa, Johji Kikuchi et.al)


2008 Komazawa University Special Research Grant, Komazawa University.
2003-2004 Kanto Gakuin University Special Research Grant, Kanto Gakuin University.
1996 Kanto Gakuin University Special Research Grant, Kanto Gakuin University.
1993 Kanto Gakuin University Special Research Grant, Kanto Gakuin University.
1991-1992 Kanto Gakuin University Special Research Grant, Kanto Gakuin University.
2/22/2001 Ph.D. in Sociology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, No.74, Japan
Dissertation Title: Culture and Social Stratification in Contemporary Japan (Gendai Bunka to Shakai Kaisou)
4/83-3/85 Enrolled in Ph.D. Program, Sociology of Education, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan
1983 M.A. in Sociology, Sociology of Education, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan
1980 B.A. in Sociology, School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan

American Sociological Association
Japan Sociological Association
Japan Society of Educational Sociology
Japan Society of Family Sociology
Kantoh Sociological Society
Japan Association of Cultural Economics
Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology
Japanese Educational Research Association
Behaviormetric Society of Japan
International Society for Gender Studies


1992 Fukutake Award (Sociology) for the publication of Education and Social Mobility,1990,
University of Tokyo Press, Sociology Series Vol.1-5 co-authored with A. Naoi, J. Kikuchi et.al.

1) Elected Member of Council at large
Japan Society of Educational Sociology
2) Associate Editor:
2009-present Journal of Society and Survey (Shakai to Chousa)
2007-2009 Journal of Japanese Educational Sociology
1991-1995 Journal of Japanese Educational Sociology
2001-2003 Annual Review of Sociology, Japan (Kantoh Sociological Society)
1998-2001 Annual Review of Sociology, Japan (Kantoh Sociological Society)
1995-1997 Sociological Theory and Method (Japanese Journal of Mathematical Sociology)
3) Editorial Boards:
2007-2009 Japanese Sociological Review
4) Research Committee Activities:
2009-present Member of Research Activity Committee, Japanese Association for Social Survey (Shakai Chousa Kyoukai)
2006-2008 Chair, Research Committee, Japan Society of Educational Sociology
1999-2001 Deputy Chair, Research Committee, Japan Society of Educational Sociology
2003-2005 Member of Research Committee, Kantoh Sociological Society
2000-2003 Member of Research Committee, Japan Sociological Society
2000-2006 Member of Research Committee, Japan Society of Educational Sociology
1995-1998 Member of Research Committee, Japan Society of Educational Sociology
5) Chair of Research Project
2005-2008 Sociological Analysis on Parental Strategies and the Education Market, by Grant-in-Aid Foundation in Japan
1995-1998 Culture section, Survey of Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM Survey), Japan by Grant-in-Aid Foundation in Japan
1997-1999 Survey of Class Habitus and Life-styles
2006-2008 Survey of Social Class and Parental Strategies in Japan
1998 Survey of Youth Consciousness on Gender Issues in Kanagawa Prefecture
6) Committee Member of Cabinet Office, Government
2000-2001 The Survey of Japanese Youth 2001, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
1995-1996 The Survey of Japanese Youth 1996, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
7) Proposal Referee
2009 Referee of Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation, Japan.
2008 Paper Referee of University Evaluation Section, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, Japan.
2006-2007 Referee of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan.
2006 Paper Referee of Support Program for Distinctive University Education, Japan.
8) Other activities
1994-1999 Regular Member of Juvenile Issues Council, City of Yokohama, Japan
